On-Demand Webinar:

Protect your users’
data while they Work From Home


On-Demand Webinar

With the COVID-19 pandemic and everybody the world over battening down the hatches, you probably have a situation where an increasing number of knowledge workers are taking their work home.  This has forced IT administrators into an unanticipated follow-on sprint to deliver data protection safeguards for remote employees. We have come together as a remote working team, to put together a webinar that will address your data protection questions relating to work from home.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  1. Best practices to safeguard your data
  2. Threats to your data that come from outside and within your  network boundaries
  3. Impacts  of a data breach on your business


Access the Webinar

About the Speaker

Anand Prahlad

Anand Prahlad

CEO & President, Parablu

Anand has over 25 years of experience building Enterprise software solutions and has a unique mix of security and storage DNA. He was previously Head of McAfee’s R&D Center in India and served as Managing Director while also leading Engineering for all of McAfee’s Data Center product engineering teams as Vice President. Previously, as SVP of Worldwide Product Development at CommVault, he was part of the management team that led CommVault to a successful public offering. Anand claims several patents relating to storage and data management.