



On-Demand Webinar

One of the biggest changes of digital transformation has been the beginning and flourishing of the cloud. It has enabled geographically disparate teams to come together and collaborate on projects. It has not only bridged the gap, it has been successful in making it seem as though the gap never existed. While all this is the underlined advantage of a cloud environment, we often see that organizations approach data security in the cloud with complacence . When you store data on One Drive, Google Suite, Salesforce, etc. it is inherently safe, right?

We’re demystifying this and much more in this 40 minute webinar that aims at discussing the need to backup your SaaS data. How do you backup your SaaS data safely? What is the shared responsibility model? What is zero knowledge privacy? We discuss all this in the upcoming webinar. Make sure you sign up!

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Anand Prahlad

Anand Prahlad

CEO & President, Parablu

Anand has over 25 years of experience building Enterprise software solutions and has a unique mix of security and storage DNA. He was previously Head of McAfee’s R&D Center in India and served as Managing Director while also leading Engineering for all of McAfee’s Data Center product engineering teams as Vice President. Previously, as SVP of Worldwide Product Development at CommVault, he was part of the management team that led CommVault to a successful public offering. Anand claims several patents relating to storage and data management.